Since reproductive health touches everyone, SC RED is using a collaborative approach to push our mission forward. We are thankful to our partners and looking forward to building more relationships both within and beyond the sickle cell community.
Mission: We save lives through Cellular Therapy. At Be The Match BioTherapies, we believe every patient should have access to the best therapy to treat their disease. SC RED is proud to be working with Be The Match to provide education, support, and resources for Fertility Preservation for Sickle Cell Warriors pursuing Bone Marrow Transplants.
Mission: The Alliance for Fertility Preservation has a mission to increase information, resources, and access to Fertility Preservation for those facing a medical risk to future parenthood. This organization was founded as a resource for cancer patients. SC RED is thankful and humbled that the Alliance recognizes the importance of including the Sickle Cell Community in their efforts.
Mission: To raise awareness for the many issues facing female carriers of X-linked Genetic Disorders; to provide a forum for X-linked females to share their stories, ask questions, provide and receive emotional support, and develop friendships; to advocate for increased attention of the medical community to the physical and emotional issues of females who carry X-linked Disorders; and to provide financial support to carriers of X-linked Disorders for medical treatment and diagnosis, as well as those seeking to build families free of Genetic Disease through assisted reproductive technologies and adoption. Reproductive Health touches everyone! With Remember the Girls and SC RED having such aligned missions and values, this is sure to be a profound partnership.
Mission: BCFSM™ is a 501c3 nonprofit organization established by a group of committed birth justice activists to promote healthcare advocacy education in the Black community.
Mission: Increase the quality of life for individuals diagnosed with sickle cell disease in California by ensuring expert, unbiased, and comprehensive care.” This mission is part of a broader vision of (1) a medical system which effectively addresses the unique needs of individuals with sickle cell disease and (2) patients who are empowered and equipped to advocate for themselves.
Mission: We are a global community changing the way the world tackles rare disease. Our partners include nonprofit, government, academic, research, service, and industry organizations that believe collaboration is the key to positive change.
Mission: Black Women’s Health Imperative launched the Rare Disease Diversity Coalition to address the extraordinary challenges faced by rare disease patients of color. The Coalition brings together rare disease experts, health and diversity advocates, and industry leaders to identify and advocate for evidence-based solutions to alleviate the disproportionate burden of rare diseases on communities of color.
Mission: The Oldest national organization dedicated solely to improving the health and wellness of our nation’s 21 million black women and girls- physically, emotionally, and financially.
Mission: To elevate the patient’s voice to increase access to care and eliminate bias by bringing stakeholders together.
Mission: Entertainment 2 Affect Change (E2AC) connects award-winning content creators, mission-based organizations, and passionate funders who want to share their impact through the power of story.
partner with us.